Duty to Joy

Duty to Joy

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”

Revelation 7:9-10

Read Revelation 5:6-13; 2 Chronicles 20:20-24; John 4:19-26

We were created to worship. Created to bring glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords. We do this through many different forms, but one of the most common is through the songs we sing. Songs that lift His name, worship and honor Him. It is a great joy to be able to sing and worship, however sometimes we forget the heart behind our worship. We end worshiping because it is something we have to do, or because we have made our way to the church service, and they always sing at the beginning. The trouble we have is that what was once a joy to us, has now be come a duty. We worship out of obligation and no longer from a place of deep honor. We must find a way to return to the heart of joy in our worship. To help, I want to give you several things we must remember when we enter into a time of worship.

First, we need to remember who we worship. When we worship, it is not a creation of man, we do not worship an image of wood or stone. It is our honor to be able to worship the true God of the universe. In Revelation John saw a vision of a scroll with seven seals on it. A great weight fell because no one was found who could open the scroll. Then entered the Lamb. The lamb who is Jesus Christ came and He alone was worthy to open the scroll. When we worship, we must remember that the one we worship is the only one throughout all of history who was and is worthy of our worship. He has given everything for us, and we offer Him our worship in return.

Second, we need to know why we worship. One of the reasons we worship is because the one we worship is worthy. However, there are so many reasons beyond this to worship. In 2 Chronicles 20, we see king Jehoshaphat heading out to battle. As he enters into battle, he puts the worshippers ahead of the army. When they began to worship, the Lord sent his victory. Another reason that we worship is because our worship is powerful. It was not before they started worshipping that victory was sent, it was when they began. There are so many areas in our lives that we need the mighty hand of God to come and move. In those moments, we often lose the heart of worship because we are struggling. Yet, it is when we begin to worship, when we return to the heart and joy of worship, that we can see God’s hand move. We worship because worship is powerful in or lives. Powerful to change our circumstances, and powerful to refocus our hearts back to our Lord.

Lastly, we remember where we worship. In John 4 Jesus meets a woman at a well. They are very different this woman and Jesus, yet they start a conversation. The woman asks Jesus where they are to worship, and Jesus responds with the fact that it is not a place of worship, but a spirit of worship. We are not to focus on the place of our worship. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by who is around us and what is not right. We are called to focus on the spirit of our worship. To remember that when we worship, we are entering into the throne room of God and lifting up His great name. This is made possible through the work of Jesus Christ to reunite us with our creator. We can worship wherever and whenever when we realize that worship is an act of the spirit crying out to God.

The next time you prepare for worship, remember who you worship, why you worship, and where you worship. These three things will help us as we focus our hearts and move from an obligation to worship and return to the joy that can be found in worship.

“Lord, I pray that you will help me. I am sorry for turning worship into an obligation and losing focus of the true heart of worship. I pray that you will help me to find joy once again in worshipping you. Help me to honor and glorify you in my life. Help me to remember who I worship, why I worship, and where I worship. Thank you for allowing me, a sinful being, the ability to worship you. Give me the right heart and focus to worship. Amen.”

Dayspring Church

Build Relationships. Know God. Pursue Purpose

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Sunday School - Sundays at 9:00AM

Weekend Worship - Sundays at 10:30AM

Bible Study and Kids Programs - Wednesdays at 6:30PM

24277 FM 1314 PORTER, TEXAS 77365

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